Selasa, 01 Juni 2010


hai. welcome back to my world! now, i got my freedom! i have finished my final exam sooo i'm free of all school stuffs! yeaa, maybe i still have to join remedial -__ but no problem! :) the point is...i am free!!
thanks God! i have finished final exam successfully. the hardest subject is math and mandarin language (absolutely). the easiest subject is ENGLISH! you rock! i can answer all of questions! praise the LORD! hmm maybe i cannot pass math and mandarin. i did it with no brain (?) i answered it with feelings haha -_-
but anyway, i have finished FINAL EXAM and i am ready to be student of 9th grader! \m/
and the special one is, my birthday! do you know date of my birthday? my birthday is on june 6th! i feel so excited! i want many things for my birthday, but... yaa i just can pray to GOD that everything could be OKAY and GREAT. and i just want to be HAPPY on my birthday's day. so please don't make me angry or badmood or something else! ;)
about my holiday.... hmm i will go to bromo-surabaya-malang on 3-6 july 2010 :D i go there with my dad, mom, brother (2), monik (my cousin) and grandparents! i can't wait!! :DD

okey, have fun dudes! i hope you all have very great holiday ever!!