Rabu, 22 Desember 2010


I'm here.
I'm at my grandparents's house at Tomang, Jakarta Barat.
I have kind of sleepover with my girls (cousins) ahahaa.
They are Mikha and Monika.
We're being crazy.
Hell yeah I have so much stories to tell ya.

My christmas celebration at church on December 18th 2010 WENT WELL.
I didn't come late.
My voice didn't being so crap.
And the drama went succesfully.
Thanks God.
I took dinner at Imperial Chef with my family after that.
I had nothing to eat from morning to the night!
It's because I was too nervous.
If I feel nervous, I feel like I don't want to eat anything.

Christmas party at my grandparents'.
LALALA, I WANT TO DANCING EVERYDAY...................... ^o^
Thanks Santa for gave me that book!
I love you so much :*
And for my Mom and Dad, too. ;D

Today's Mother's Day!! December 22nd 2010.
Selamat Hari Ibu!!!!
I love you for many reasons Mom.
You're beautiful.
You're smart.
You're kind.
You're fashionable.
You're good-looking.
You're the best Mom I've ever met and had.
I love you, and I'm wishing you a very long life.
Sorry for many mistakes I've done.
I lied to you, too much ;( sorry.
I angry to you, talked loud to you, AAAAARGH sorry.
The most important is: I LOVE YOU.

A week left.
Then I'm going to Singapore.
Celebrating New Year's eve there.
God please make this holiday goes very very well, safe, and fun!

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010


Seneng banget hari ini gue terima rapot dan gue dapet nilai-nilai yang lumayan bagus! :D
Terimakasih banget buat Tuhan udah kasih aku kepintaran hehe.
Gue peringkat ke 8 dari 36 anak.
Ya, semoga aja hasil kerja keras gue itu terbayar dengan cukup.
Misalnya dapet beberapa hadiah natal lagi hihi.
Seneng banget deh hari ini!!

Oh ya, hari ini hari Kamis.
Dua hari menjelang hari perayaan Natal di gereja.
Nervous, gugup dan deg-degan banget!
Dialog drama udah hafal cuman ya takut tiba-tiba karena demam panggung jadi lupa :O
Duh semoga ga terjadi apa-apa deh amin amin amin!
Semoga semuanya belajar dengan lancar dan sesuai harapan AMIN!

Abis itu holiday deh.
Thirteen days to go.
Happy holiday to you all friends.
God bless, xoxo.

Holiday Is Waiting Me

Hello guys.
I'm here again.
Today's December 15th 2010.
Oh my God. Do you notice that?
It's 10 days left before Christmas baby <3
I can't wait anymoreeee!
I don't know will I get my presents again because I got my presents before Christmas hehe:)
Those are clothes, shoes, wedges, wowww.
But my real present is..YOU. BOY.
Another presents are; slr Canon 60d, iTouch 64 gb, new Blackberry and Macbook.
Nyehehehe you must be thinking I am a kind of person that "want everything without thinking people's mind"
I am me. That's me.
Sorry God, sorry Mom, Dad.
I have to get money as soon as possible.
I have to work :O
can I have a work? I don't think so.
God, please let me to get it.
You know I adore Justin Bieber so much.
I love you, JB. Wait for me. :*

And yeah, tomorrow is report book day.
I don't know what will my report looks like.
Good score or bad score, never mind.
I did my best.
And then I got christmas celebration at church on Saturday Dec 18th 2010.
God please please let me to do that clearly and make my family proud.
Do not put any trouble on that day.
And after that, holidayyyyy!

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010




dari 141 anak.



MAT: 4.70
IPA: 3.50
BNDO: 7.00

Gue ternyata ga lulus gara2 nilai ipa gue 3.
Biar lulus, gue gaboleh dapet nilai 3.

Classmeeting day 1

Hello semua.
Hari ini adalah hari pertama classmeeting.
Gue udah bilang, gue sama sekali ga merasa semangat.
Beda banget deh sama kelas 8.
Bukan karena gue gasuka kelas gue atau apa, gue suka kok kelas gue.
Cuma ya........gue gatau kenapa juga.
Pokoknya gue lebih semangat classmeeting kelas 8 deh dibanding kelas 9.
Dan bener aja.
Tadi di sekolah jam 7-an kumpul pake seragam kotak-kotak.
Hadeh, males banget. Mau classmeeting kok pake seragam? -_-
Trus abis doa dan pengumuman gitu, langsung deh semua pada ganti baju.
Gue ga ikut lomba apapun.
Tp tiba2 ada yang bilang gue ikut cadangan voli aja soalnya kalo ga ada cadangan bisa di diskualifikasi.
Gue gamau sih tp yaudahlah toh cuman nunjukkin diri aja.
Gue resminya (akhirnya) ikut cadangan futsal tp akhirnya juga gue ga maen kok ha-ha.
Pokoknya hari ini ngebosenin banget deh.
Pas lomba aja gue malah ngobrol sama Vinvin, Rosari, Sonia di uks.
Mana hari senin masih ada final classmeet -_-
Sumpah ya gue MALES BANGET.
Pengen bolos.
Tapi di-ABSEN.
Kalo ga masuk ntar ditanya2 gitu aaaargh KESEEEEEEL.
Pengen cepet2 pindah.

Oh iya pas pulang sekolah gue ketemu si AW.
Dia lagi di kantin sama si J.
Gue benci banget ya sama tuh 2 orang.
Gue akuin, oke gue akuin gue jealous dan gue emang gasuka sama si J.
Tapi............gimana lagi.

Masa gue harus tetep berharap sama orang yang udah punya pacar?
Get a life, Rahel!

Classmeeting day 1

Classmeeting day 1

Rabu, 08 Desember 2010


HAHAHAHA the title of this post is in Indonesian. I don't mind that :p
Hmmmm. December is so special for me. Even though it has not been a month but I can feel that December will give me a special moment(s).

On the first week of December, I had final term exams.
It started like this;
Monday Nov 29th 2010: Math and Civics
Tuesday Nov 30th 2010: Bahasa and Religion
Wednesday Dec 1st 2010: Science
Thursday Dec 2nd 2010: English and Art
Friday Dec 3rd 2010: Social Studies
Monday Dec 6th 2010: IT and Chinese Language

Yes. I felt like I live in HELL for six days. Study study and study. BORING!!
I always waited for the last day of final term exams. But when that day come, why did that day really sucks for me?
I hate Monday Dec 6th 2010. I shall feel happy because I got my freedom, but I didn't. I felt.....................SUCKS. FUCK.
Everyone was making my mood become the worst mood ever. I hate it.
Okay. Forget it, the point is final exams done, and I don't need to study even touch those fuckin school books.

And all I want now is holidayyyyy. But there is still class meeting -_- I hate thattt. I don't feel happy or excited. Teachers call it "REFRESHING" but for me refreshing is..... GO TO THE MALL AND DO MOVIE MARATHON WITH FRIENDS.
Beside that, I don't join anything. And I can't. Playing football? Are you serious? Even my classmates said "Yaelah lo mah jadi bola aja."
Ok. I know it is usual for me. But for this time, I wanted to cry. I know you're kidding but it hurts anyway. ;( I used to be a strong girl but now I think I am not.

Kayyyy, holiday. Mikha, my cousin is going to landed at Jakarta this Saturday. Happy happy happy! I promise I will make her happy. And she will join on my Singapore trip on Dec 29th-Jan 1st 2011. :))
You know, it is my very first time to celebrate new year eve in other country, not Indonesia. But SINGAPOREEEE <3>

Kamis, 25 November 2010


But that is just a photo.. I haven't bought it. As soon as possible, I WILL buy it.
And his book!

I WILL HAVE IT!! Promise!!!!
Can't waitttttt!! :D :D

Oh well. As bonus(es), I will give Justin's photos :p

Jumat, 19 November 2010

I don't like my heart. It is mine, but it beats for you

Good evening everyone! It's Friday November 19th 2010.
Don't look on date that is written above my post. It is wrong. I always tell the date when I post.
So, today is my bestfriend's birthday; SASHI SEKAR TAWANG! She is14 years old ;) well, I wish she has a blast one, wish her all the best and longlast with her boyfriend, Andre. Haha. And the most important is.. KEEP BEING MY FRIEND SAS! I'm gonna listening and understanding your stories everyday. :D

MM.. but Sashi's birthday is not what I'm gonna telling about.
I'm gonna tell or sharing story about AW.
Yesterday, it means Thursday, when I'm done with my extracuricular, I saw him with a girl at the canteen. I was sad, but I was like "Like I care.." and yes I lied. My heart said "Wow." :(

Then when I sat at drop off with Julia, Vinvin, Sonia, Rosari, Ryan, Patrick, Evan, many more I saw him again....... He stood not far from me and I could see him clearly.

Ah. I don't care about him. I wanna forget him. He just makes my heart broke into pieces. Poor my heart ;(
And I won't let my heart beats for him again.

Senin, 15 November 2010

Try Out 1, DONE!

Hello people.
So I just finished my first Try Out. It was..... successfully eventhough I couldn't answer all the questions.
The best one is, English, Bahasa Indonesia, Science then Math.
I'm sure my English and Bahasa's score is good. Hmm.... I bet I will get 70-85 :)
For Science and Math... woh... I don't know. I bet I will get 45-70 -_-
Math was hard! Mrs Tari said to all students lyk this "If you get score under 50, it is horrible, very bad! This is easy!" and I was like "what?"
At least, I tried my best but I CAN NOT pass that. Science... it was better than Math. I just, ... didn't sure about what I answer.
This is our (grade 9th) first TO. Everyone could get bad score. ;) #thinkpositive !

Jumat, 12 November 2010


gaaaaaah! i am really2 stressed out ppl. so many things i have to do. i have told y'all, being a ninth grade student is 10%nice 90%sucks.

nice, i mean: we don't have to study 2 terms, we only have 1 term. 1 term again, we use it for try out, add subjects, then finally national exam. i heard from my friend, some people say that national exam is on april 17th 2010. thanks God. it means, i have 2 FREE months. or even 2. may, june, and july. then i'm officially a high school student :)

sucks, i mean: we have A LOT homeworks, tests, ASSignments, tasks, presentations, projects, ............... can you imagine it? we have to finish that shitty things during 6 months (1 term). i am tired. there is no day without that shitty things. i take a course too. i take math, physics courses. beside them, i have piano course too. i have to take english course too! but where? somebody please tell me. i have to, i need to take english course. my english is bad. superbad. i am failed on this subject.

so, i'm gonna have try out on monday november 15th-16th 2010 at my school. the subjects are; bahasa indonesia, ipa, bahasa inggris and matematika. wish me bunch of luck.
i promise i will study hard.
my target score:
-bahasa indonesia: 80
ipa: 75
bahasa inggris: 85
matematika: 70

pray for me guys!

Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Happy Birthday Sonia!

today is november 6th 2010. today is my friend's birthday. she is Gisela Sonia Maria! :D she is fourteen today.
well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONIA! i'm glad i have a friend like you. wish you nothing but all the best, and keep being my friend ya Son :) God bless youuuu.

for celebrate it, Sonia invited me, Julia, Vinvin, Claudia, Cassie, Rosari, Ryan, Jesse, and Fina. but only seven of us can join. Vinvin and Rosari can't join us. Vinvin had a problem with her mom and i don't know what happened with Rosari.

so we celebrated it at Supermall Karawaci. 12pm, i arrived there (Lippo) and before, Julia gave me a bbm message that i have to waiting at Jco. i thought i wud sit at Jco alone but thanks God there was Cassie! ;) we talked for 15 minutes then Julia, Sonia and Claudia came. we went to burger king. i wanted to buy burger and cola and fries but it cancelled. i was confused. finally, i just bought a glass of starbucks with Sonia. me ordered caramel chocolate! yummy. we talked, laughed and ate, also drink at burger king for an hour. we waited for Ryan and Jesse and Fina. after they arrived, we walked to xxi. we wanted to watch SOCIAL NETWORK on 3.15pm. when me and Cassie, also Ryan bought a drink, we met Vanessa haha. it was funny. and i met Cindy too (my elementary school friend). and here is the funny thing. when we watched the film, me, Cassie, Ryan and Jesse wore burger king's hat haha. we were like idiots! but i didn't care. hahahaha. the film was boring for me. and TOO long! i "menahan kencing" for a long time. 2 hours and half hour. damn it! after watched, i ran to toilet. my tummy hurted :/ after that, i went to burger king again. we talked about how to go home. dad sent me a bbm message, he told that i have to go home before six -_- Sonia confused. she didn't want to go home but she also have to arrive at her home at seven. nobody can't take her to home. we discussed and the result was... Sonia didn't care about her dinner with her family haha so i went home by taxi.
that's all. I AM VERY HAPPYYYYYYY <3>

p.s: dear my parents, would you two let me go home after 6 pm? do not be an over protective parents, especially for my mom. i am not a kid anymore. i am a teenager now. i can take care myself. okay, so don't worry. luv u.

Kamis, 04 November 2010



OK. stop Hel. now it is the time to tell readers about the story.
so, you must be thinking that "what's wrong with rahel? is she crazy?" HAHA.
yes i am. that is my answer.
i am crazy. i am happy. u know what?
I'M OFFICIALLY BE SMAK PENABUR GADING SERPONG's student! not 100% officially cause i have to pass national exam -_- but, the point is.. RAHEL ALEXANDRA MAZMURIA POHAN, now is one of Penabur's student.
the end.

the story is so... short.
i was watching tv, then my mom called me. she said "adek2 gimana? lagi apa? udah makan siang?" i thought she wanted to tell me abt penabur but she didnt. then i said "semuanya oke. gimana penabur?" my mom.........was totally forgot. so she turned off the phone she called penabur.
i was extremely nervous. i prayed "semoga saya ketrima di penabur TUHAN...." 100 more times. i swear. untill 15 minutes... my phone rang. the conversation was like this:
me "halo?"
mom "diterima eng! diterima! selamat ya!"
mom "PUJI TUHAN!!!"
me "iya! ya ampun aku seneng banget ma"
mom "IYAAA mama juga! ada 20an orang ga diterima. ya ampun mama pengen nangis. terharu banget!"
me "waah beruntung lah aku yah"
mom "iya. yasudah besok mama pagi2 ke penabur minta penjelasan tentang pembayaran"
me "oke."

then... i jumped and screamed. AAAAAAAAA YIIIIIIII I AM FREAKIN HAPPY.


mihihi i'm yours now :p

bye tarki. i won't forget the 11 YEARS moments with you.

Selasa, 02 November 2010

Should I forget you?

I have fallen in love with you since 2 years ago.
It's hard to forget you.
I don't know you love me or not.
I just know that I like you, I love you and I really want to be close with you.
Even I really want to have a relation with you.
I'd like to be fuckin happy if someday my status on facebook become this:
Rahel Alexandra Mazmuria in relationship with A____ W___
How great! <3

If suddenly I want to forget you, can I do that?
You totally broke my heart. Not once, but twice. Or even more than twice.

"I'm proud with my heart. It brokes more tha twice but it still beats for you."

I still don't get the answer.

Senin, 01 November 2010


helawwww! meet me again haha

so, it has been a week since i posted about the countries i wanna go there.

saturday, 30th october 2010 is my day for me.
i was......too happy and nervous.
in the morning, i woke up then watched tv then took a shower then STUDY. ........wait. study for what? hmmm i was joining test at bpk penabur gading serpong for my high school. i studied about math and english. math is so confusing. i hate math. for english...it was easy.
i arrived at penabur at 12pm. it was too early cause the test is began at 1 pm. but no problemoooo. i saw my name on the board. first opinion from me about penabur's building: WHOAAAA ITS SO BIG. AND THERE'S A LIFT! okay i am NORAK. but,,,, seriously. i love penabur. and when i came to the class, WHOAAAA full AC, great table, comfort chair, and the class is clean. i loveee penabur. test is began. i prayed, prayed all the time. even when i did my test. first test was math. groaaaar there are 40 number and the time is 2 hours. honestly, i can't. okay forget it, i did my best. GOD bless my test. break time, and then english. GREAT, i CAAAAN do that. i thought it was hard, but the fact is.......okay easy. over 60 numbers i can answer. thanks GOD. i really want to be penabur's student. i wanna see my name become this:

my mom and dad will proud of me.

at night, me and my family went to sms. i asked dad, "i wanna watch film." then he said "it's almost 8.30 pm." me "so? there's no school tomorrow." dad "NO." mom "NO." me *NGAMBEK* I DON'T CARE about mom and dad were talking about.
suddenly, dad said "go buy a ticket." and i was like "KYAAAAA THANKS DAD I LOVE YOU FULL."
so, i bought tickets for me and my brother, Rayner. we watched STEP UP 3D. GEE, i love the film. it's all abt dance. i know i can't do dance but after i watched it, i wanna do dance. YEAAAH.



okay. just it. see ya laterrr. bye :D

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010


halo. hari ini gw mau cerita2 lagi. tentang weekend?

hari sabtu gw ga kemanamana. gw juga mikir gitu. abis udah SEBULAN pas weekend tuh gw ga kemanamana. kayak ada sesuatu gitu yang bikin bokap nyokap gw jadi gimana ya, jadi males pergi pas weekend. padahal dulu rajinnya minta ampun. ke Grand Indonesia, Pondok Indah Mall, EX, FX, Plaza Senayan, Plaza Indonesia, dan mal mal jakarta lainnya. bingung gw. ada apa ya dengan mereka? apa mereka sedang menghemat duit? pikiran gw sih gitu.
jadinya hari sabtu kemaren gw cuma pergi pas malem. tadinya gw bertiga sama bo-nyok tapi tiba2 mbak ami -pembantu gw, minta pulang ke kampungnya gara2 sakit (ini bikin gw shock dan bete abis) yaudah adek2 gw ikut. kami pergi ke gereja karena ada kebaktian menjelang olop2 pas hari minggunya. selesai kebaktian pulang deh.

hari minggu gw ke rumah gorga paginya. jam setengah 10 berangkat, padahal jam segitulah acara dimulai (udah biasa). oh iya, kami ke rumah gorga untuk ngerayai acara olop2 (ulang tahun gereja gw -GKPA ke 35 tahun.) nyampe sana udah agak rame gitu tp untunglah masih ada beberapa kursi buat keluarga gw. kebaktian dimulai. pas khotbah gw malah baca buku MMJ. abis gw bete banget, mana panas dan laper pula. selesai kebaktian gw maunya PULANG ATAU JALAN-JALAN ke mal gitu. EHHHH malah stuck di tempat. makan (NASI KOTAK), denger orang nyanyi2, door prize, yagitudeh, BETE ABIS GILA. gw ngambek. diajak ngobrol senyum kecut dan gw cuekin orang2 dengan cara main game di BB sampe batre gw dari full sampe 20%. nice. semua orang mulai pulang karena capek, juga Monik!-sodara gw. tambah bete lah gw. ga ada temen. gw diem. gw hampir nangis. capek bgt gila. mood membaik DIKIT pas bokap bilang "abis ini kita nonton pelem." oke. gw diem. berusaha senyum. jam EMPAT (7 setengah jam ya tolong gw duduk. pantat gw mungkin udah rata) pulang. nyampe mobil nyokap bilang "langsung pulang ke rumah. mau bersih2 soalnya ga ada mba." WTFFFFFFFFFFF gw pengen nangis saat itu juga. KENAPA SIH WOI ANAK NYA BUTUH REFRESHING GA DIKASIH?! KE MAL SEBENTAR MAKAN JALAN2 GW SEMBAH DEH. ini? KE RUMAH. gw nuangin emosi gw ke twitter dan tambah emosi liat followers makin surut aja (LOH?) sebelumnya ke tomang dlu ngobrol2 br pulang. nyampe rumah ya mandi nonton makan. belajar? GA LAH ya gw males. serius lah gw BETE BANGET. kenapa sih semua orang pada ga ngertiin GW?
kesimpulan: ga basa basi. KESEL.


p.s: maaf banyak pake capslock. selain emosi, saya juga memperingati hari capslock sedunia.

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

I wanna go to these places

1. PARIS. Who doesn't love Paris? I think nobody.

2. Australia. I have gone to Aussie before. But.....when I was only 6 MONTHS old. So, I wanna to go to Australia again.

3. New York City, Los Angeles, Hollywood, and MANY MORE in America! Ohmy, I'm in love with America. I wish I can get one ticket to go to America trip. I WISH.

Hm I think enough. Actually there are Canada, Europe, and Japan. But I'm too lazy to post the photos haha.


I love Justin Bieber. I love his voice. I love his songs. I love his face. I love his smile. I love his laugh. I love the way he bangs his hair. I love the way he speaks. I love everything he has.

Hm.. I don't care about his "middlefinger". I love his face. CUTE!

Justin Bieber with Jasmine Villegas.

Justin's face! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES IT. HAHA! -Justin and his Mom.

And this. Justin with Kim Kardashian. Who's better? Jasmine, Kim, or me? HAHA.

OK. BE SERIOUS. Justin, would you be my Prince? Kisses and Hugs. I love you.

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Everything's going to be a shit

Hello readers! Nice to meet you all again. I missed few days without blogging. Trully sorry, :( I have no time to blogging. My day is completely full with homeworks, tasks, tests, study for high school's enter test argh I'm DYING.

Btw, I'm accepted at Tarakanita Senior High School. Thanks God. But my dream school isn't Tarki. It is BPK Penabur. I have test at Penabur on October 30, 2010. Just wish me bunch of lucks! The tests are Math, Science and English. What am I hoping for? Some people say that English at Penabur is hard. Harder than Tarki. About Math and Science........no questions, I hate those subjects so much, BUT, I have to think positive that I'm gonna accepted at Penabur. Work hard, study hard, pray routine, then I'm gonna get GOOD RESULTS. God bless, me. Mom said "What if you try to do test at Santa Ursula?" And I said "Let me think." I was UNaccepted at Santa Ursula when I enter Junior High School. Should I try AGAIN for Senior High School? Let me think TWICE.

Hm..what else. Oh yeah. I can feel that these days I'm going to be a WEAK GIRL. Or THE WEAKEST GIRL ever. When someone talking behind me, I cry. When someone hits me, I cry. When someone mocks me, I cry. When someone ruins my mood, I cry. EVERYTHING that someone did/do to me and it HURTS my heart, I cry.

But I'm thank God cause there are my friends that always make me laugh and smile at school. There are Jeslin, Angel, Vinvin, Julia, Rosari, Sonia, Claudia, Dea, and many more. Especially my classmates at 9A. I LOVEEE THEM.

But behind my laugh and smile there are some bitchES that talking "shit" to me.


Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

a bad report card

hey. kelewat satu hari gw ga blogging haha. kemaren lagi males banget jadi ga buka laptop :/ buka laptop cuma pas malem jam 10an dan itu mata gw udah sipit banget jadi gakuat blogging ehe
hmm hari ini hari jumat. hari pembagian rapor. gw sih ga takut atau deg degan atau panik setengah mampus kaya orang2 cuman ya biasa aja gitu. gw udah tau nilai gw pasti jelek. terutama di mat, ipa, dan bahasa inggris.

jadi pagi2 gw bangun jam 6. trima rapor kan jam 8 yaudah gw santai aja. eh tapi nyokap nyuruh mandi jam setengah 7 yaudah mau ga mau gw mandi -_- udah mandi gw nonton nunggu nyokap siap2 ke sekolah. jam 7.25 berangkat. pas sampe di sekolah nyokap nyuruh gw fotokopi ijazah SD gw, yaudah deh gw fotokopi nyokap sama adek gw (kls 7) masuk ke dalem sekolah ngambil rapot. nah, udh selesai fotokopi gw ke dalem nyusul nyokap. eeeeeh di aula lagi ada kelasnya si tablo. gw kaget padahal juga gw tau itu tablo dari tampak belakang haha. gw jalan cepet2 ke atas tanpa melihat muka dia. padahal MAU :( hhh
nyampe di atas, gw liat nyokap lg di kelas adek gw. yaudah gw nunggu di depan kls gw, 9a tp cuman ada yoan&maureen -_- nungu 15 menitan nyokap dateng juga. langsung masuk ke kelas dan tanpa nunggu lama langsung maju nerima rapot gw. gw disuruh masuk ah malesin bgt ditanya "kok nilai mid speaking test inggris 0? bisu kamu?" HAHA ngakak banget deh gw nyokap ngelucunya bisa banget -______-" ya gw bilang aja dibantuin pak ponco kalo emang baru sebagian murid kelas yang maju huuuuuft. sisanya ya gitu nih ya gw kasitau nilai rata2 uts gw:

agama = 74,5
pkn = 92,5
bahasa indonesia = 76
bahasa inggris = 59,6
matematika = 58
ipa = 68
ips = 84
seni budaya = 80
pendidikan jasmani = 74
tik = 89,3
musik = 85
mandarin = 95

yeaaaah itu dia nilainya. yang ga tuntas ada 2 : matematika dan bahasa inggris. AH gw sebel banget bahasa inggris gw jadi jelek. kampret emang. coba soalnya dimudahin dikit. bisa tuntas gw -.- tapi yasudahlah yang namanya sudah terjadi.

gw harap nilai2 gw semakin membaik deh ya ;D

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

13th is not always bring bad luck

hi dude. meet me again haha. jadi sering nge blog nih :p udah 3 hari berturut-turut nge blog. gapapakan? abis ga ada kerjaan di rumah.

so i wanna share stories about Wednesday 13th October 2010 (today). i thought that today's going to bad day. but no! feel quite happy today :D

hmm at school..
first subject is bahasa indonesia. mrs enny said that we're gonna to PE room. i didnt know what will we do cause this is bahasa indonesia, not PE why shall we go to PE room? .___. jeng jeng jeng. i found a big screen at PE room. so i sat beside jeslin, angel, and sashi of course. mrs enny came and brought laptop. 10 minutes....and i was like "YEEEESSSS!" we're gonna to WATCH FILM TOGETHEEEER! \m/ the film is Karate Kid. but that was an error application when the CD is already inserted to laptop. ah. i feel "yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh". one period passed. laptop still error. but me and my friends patiently wait till the laptop is right......... mrs enny panic and finally she borrowed mrs retno's laptop. and theeeeen, we watched Karate Kid finally ;;)

history!!! nothing to share but i got score 96 on my history test!

chinese language. i made a group (me jeslin angel sashi) then we made conversation text for monday's speaking test haaaa -_-



IT........................fantastic. as usual i had fun! hahaha IT become my fav subject :p we studied about microsoft frontpage.

ok. done. :D

im waiting for friday. REPORT CARD DAY.

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010


today is a hell! i hate today.

first subject at school, P.E. you know i never like this subject. i never get score 75+ on this subject. sucks. but its amazing how i always pass this subject. praise the Lord. today P.E class was about "senam lantai". so we had to scroll in mattress and then tiger strong or whatever it is. hell yeah i prefer basketball, RUN, or something except "senam lantai".

second is...history. hm actually it must be civics but i didnt know the announcement that told us (grade 9) to change civics subject become history. so yeah no problem for me cause i borrow julia's social studies book. thanks to juliaaaa :)

third. BIOLOGYYYY. ergh, i fed up with the teacher hoho whereas the subject is fun. hm. so i studied about "kelangungan hidup organisme." that was about adaptation, natural selection and reproduction. bad news is.......... NEXT WEEK WE HAVE A TEST about "saraf". daaaamn it.

fourth. mathematics. had fun today cause 2 period of this subject is used to play a game. the point is. i didnt study math today :p (ehm actually.....a little ehe -_-)

FIFTH. LAST SUBJECT --> english. i thought that was a speaking test cause i've memorized the text for speaking test abt opinion but the fact is no. speaking test is cancelled. sir joko discussed abt the results of mid term test. he said that almost students got BAD score. and im sure im one of them. and.........yeah right. i got a bad score. wanna know? hm honestly im shy to tell on my blog but i just wanna share -_- my score is....................................40. FORTY. reading, 40 (multiple choice) and writing, 40 too. im schocked. but i tried to be cool. i know my classmates got bad score too. 40, 44, 48, 52, 28, 66 and the best is 68 for mario -_- it means, ALL STUDENTS in my class are fail. nice sir. for writing, fuck. sir joko havent teached us about that topic but he gave questions about that topic. i feel fuck. writing is better cause there are some students got score 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, and me? 40. ALONE. dani is the worst, he got 0. seriously, 40 is the worst score i've ever got in english class. when im teached by miss poppy my scores are 60+. even there was 100, 96, asdfghjklqwertyuiopmnbvcxz I HATE I HATE I HATE I HATEEEEE!

after school.
me, julia and sonia talked together about the bitches haha. it was fun because we judge the bitches and laughed together. we hate bitches.


Senin, 11 Oktober 2010


hello guys im sorry i havent posted anything since june 1, 2010 O_o im lazy to post haha sorry but yeah i miss blogging. i miss sharing my stories although maybe just one or two people read my blog or even no one hehe it's okay

sooo, i have been in ninth grade for 3 months 2 weeks :) being a ninth grade student is........sucks. no day without HOMEWORKS, TEST, PRE-TEST, ASSIGNMENT, oh my i wanna be a eighth grade student again. i cant stand it. i need a rest.
on october 1 - october 8 i did mid term tests. and im done it cause today is october 11. the hardest subjects are MATHS and ENGLISH. my english is getting worst in ninth grade. my scores are not good as my score as in eighth grade. i blame my teacher. im confused what i supposed to learn. he doesnt teach much but he does give students many homeworks. sucks. i want miss poppy!! :( and math..... i am math haters so no problem if my math score is (always) bad.

about high school.
i choose penabur serpong and tarakanita serpong (my school-_-) actually i wanna choose binus but i realise that my english is bad. so i have to do test at tarakanita on october 16 and at penabur october 30. wish me luck guys so i can pass that 2 schools. especially penabur. :D

hmm i just opened my facebook and looking for photos. i wanna cry. i miss my 7 and 8 grade. i miss it. my friendship....totally broke. everyone has a group. i dont want this. i want my friendship is like in grade 8. me, vinvin, julia, sonia, claudia, patrick, ryan, jesse, raka, pingkan, nikita, sari, yunda and many more. how i miss it. can we fix our friendship? i wish we can. theeen, i miss OUTBOUND. we were taking photos together and THAT FRIENDSHIP i wanna be. we're together. we smiled together. we laughed together. WE ..... TOGETHER.

lets fix our friendship guys. before we are graduate from this school. before...we are saying goodbye.

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010


hai. welcome back to my world! now, i got my freedom! i have finished my final exam sooo i'm free of all school stuffs! yeaa, maybe i still have to join remedial -__ but no problem! :) the point is...i am free!!
thanks God! i have finished final exam successfully. the hardest subject is math and mandarin language (absolutely). the easiest subject is ENGLISH! you rock! i can answer all of questions! praise the LORD! hmm maybe i cannot pass math and mandarin. i did it with no brain (?) i answered it with feelings haha -_-
but anyway, i have finished FINAL EXAM and i am ready to be student of 9th grader! \m/
and the special one is, my birthday! do you know date of my birthday? my birthday is on june 6th! i feel so excited! i want many things for my birthday, but... yaa i just can pray to GOD that everything could be OKAY and GREAT. and i just want to be HAPPY on my birthday's day. so please don't make me angry or badmood or something else! ;)
about my holiday.... hmm i will go to bromo-surabaya-malang on 3-6 july 2010 :D i go there with my dad, mom, brother (2), monik (my cousin) and grandparents! i can't wait!! :DD

okey, have fun dudes! i hope you all have very great holiday ever!!

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

H to the E to the L to the L to the O! HELLO!!

do you miss me?
ahahahaha :p
sorry i didnt blogging again for a long time!
bukan ga punya waktu tapi males dan gue lupa password blog ini!
haha teledor banget ga sih gue -_____-
males, soalnya gue jadi demam twitter he he he^^
seru dan gue kenalan sama banyak temen dan juga bisa ngobrol2 lagi sama temen2 gue yang udah lama banget ga gue temuin (temen SD) ;)
lupa password, ya begitulah gue kan emang orangnya ceroboh dan pikun.
hmm okay.
lets start the story!
i have many story to y'all! :DD
DIA udah lulus.
it means, i lost my chance to meet him.
because the only chance why i can meet him is "the school".
karena dia udah lulus, udah bebas, udah ga ada urusan lagi sama sekolah, jadi gue harus siap buat berpisah sama dia.
ummm, menyedihkan emang.
tapi udahlah gaboleh bersedih2 terus.
bye my boy, i will always miss you ;* ♥
my best friend, vinvin had a trouble with someone.
sorry but i cant tell HER name on my blog.
pokoknya masalah lumayan berat lah ya sampe bawa guru BK dan sampe sekarang belom berakhir karena dia yang selalu cari masalah.
hmm cukup deh gue juga muak buat umbar2in masalah ini.
i have my own trouble -_-
tapi masalah gue yang ini (ceritanya gue punya banyak masalah gitu HE HE^^) ga gue kasihtau siapa2.
bukan apa2 tapi ya privacy banget deh yang ini!
pokoknya gue cuman mau masalah gue tuh cepet2 ilang, berakhir dan musnah dari kehidupan gue!
gue mau kehidupan yang aman damai tentram dan lain2 deh yang bahagia2 pokoknya!
people, for your information, i have semester final exam (maaf kalo salah) ha ha.
ya intinya itulah!
tanggal 24 mei gue harus mengikuti UAS!
dan ga tanggung2, bahannya semua mata pelajaran coks!
CUPS banget ga sih -_______________________-
otak gue pecah bisa2!!
STRES PASTI SENANTIASA datang kepada gue.
karena gue orangnya gampang stres (tapi baik kok^_^)
jadi gue bener2 harus mempersiapkan dengan baik2 buat UAS 2 minggu lagi.
karena apa?
one of my classmates, Gaby told me that my score for second semester is too bad.
nilai gue menurun jauh.
dari peringkat 9 ke peringkat 15 o.O
gue jadi was2!
emang sih peringkat segitu emg pasti bisa naik kelas (cieilah) tapi kan dari kelas 7 tuh gue selalu masuk 10 besar.
masa kelas 8 gue jadi 15 besar?
gue gamau itu terjadi!!
gue mau tetep 10 besar terus lanjut 5 besar! (AMIN!!!)
jadi buat UAS nanti gue harus semangaaaaaaaaaaat!

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

I dont know. have I called this holiday?

hello bloggers. im back. udah lama juga ya gue ga ngeblog haha :p sorry but... im just to lazy. i prefer to twitter-ing than blogg-ing. sorry :)
mid sudah selesai, rapor sudah dibagi. talking about rapot, the result is bad. really2 bad. gue kecewa. dan orangtua gue juga pasti kecewa :( sorry! but i tried the best. and the result it is. ive got score 0 for religion midterm exam just because i havent do the task with vinvin. nyebelin -_- gue lupa dan...males. i cant say and dont brave to tell about my 0 score to my parents :(( how can? i hate this situation.
lagian UTS ngasihnya tugas. mending gue dikasih latihan. gue kerjain! huh.
ah whatever. never mind! yang penting liburan udah di depan mata. ups....! liburan? no no no! ini bukan liburan, rahel! you have a lot of fucking tasks and homeworks during holiday!! 10 days for holiday? no! but 10 days for doing that tasks! dan pastinya orangtua gue nyruh gue untuk belajar belajar dan belajaaaar untuk memperbaiki nilai. ohman, tambah sial ajah hidup gue -_-
tugas gue tuh banyakbanget. gue nyatetnya sih ada 9. shit. susah2 lagi. kelompok lah, mesti ngumpul, huh... maunya apasih tuh guru? ga pernah puas nyiksa muridnya!!
hari senin tanggal 29. alfeh's birthday. i promised to karnan that i must say HB to him by message! i have to do. i promised :) but i havent bought gift for alfeh. fool me. sorry alfeh, m so sorry. gue ga punya uang :( tapi kalo lo minta hati gue buat jadi hadiahnya.... BOLEH banget :D
tapi kasian juga ya. tanggal 29 alfeh ultah, tanggal itu juga dia ujian nasional. kasian :( gue jg harus kirim sms ke dia dalam rangka "memberi semangat". Y! harus! calon pacar gitu :p

oke then. im tired. i will post again next time. see ya :) xoxo!

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010


HAI! udah lama ya gue ga blogging haha. kangen ga sama gue? -_-
sorry ya gue uda jarang nge blog soalnya jadwal gue padet. mm biasalah, gue nemenin cowo gue si justin bieber tour keliling dunia (?) HAHA
oke. be serious.
gue uda hampir 2 minggu terbebas dari mid test. tapi penderitaan gue ga cuma di mid test doang pals! gue kira abis mid itu libur! EEEEHHHHH, malah belajar biasa. fuck it! i need holidaaaaaaaaaayS! setaun libur juga gapapa! gue tuh gapunya prinsip "kalo sekolah mau libur tapi kalo libur mau sekolah" jadi ya gue santai aja! mau libur setaun, NO PROBLEM PALS! :DD

masalah di sekolah TERUS berlanjut. banyak deh. gue sama vinvin banyak meneliti orang2 di sekolah. tiap hari pasti ada aja masalah. dan masalah tahun ini lebih banyak dan lebih rumit dibandingkan tahun lalu. tahun ini tuh masalahnya berkaitan sama anak kelas 7. kalo tahun lalu sih sama kakak kelas. kelas 7 tahun ini SANGAR2 coy! ngeri gue ._.

ohya! it's march! hampir mendekati akhir. nanti tuh masuk ke bulan april, mei, juni....... bulan juli gue udah jadi ANAK KELAS 9! (gue pasti naik kelas kok HEHE) -_- gue ngeri ngebayanginnya entar gue jd anak kelas 9. alasan2nya:
1. punya 2 adek kelas --> ga masalah banget sih tapi kan ribet aja gitu ngeliat kalo adek kelas tuh berantem. tahun depan, gue YAKIN anak2 kelas 7 nya lebih sangar!
2. banyak tugas dan PR --> yang ini fuck banget. kelas 9 itu kan satu semester belajar buat anak kelas 9, nah semester kedua belajar mengulang dari pelajaran masuk SMP sampai kelas 9. ohman, i cant imagine it how hard that. gue yang sekarang kelas 8 aja dikekang habis2an gaboleh ke mal atau jalan2. nah apalagi kelas 9? gabisa keluar dari rumah kali gue -_- Jesus help me deh ya!
3. bakalan susah nentuin SMA dimana --> God, kayanya baru kemaren deh gue test masuk di sanur buat SMP. dan tahun depan gue bakal test masuk sekolah LAGI? astagaaa. 3 tahun itu ga berusaha!! planning gue buat SMA itu : penabur, sanur, binus. NOWAY for TARKI! gue bosensetengah mati. gapapa gue gapunya temen di sekolah baru gue asalkan GA di tarki aje. okay, karena gue punya plan SMA di binus, jadi mulai kelas 9 gue harus les bahasa inggris! biar mantap coy! DOAIN YAH!
4. UJIAN NASIONAL --> gue gabisa ngomong apa2 tentang yang satu ini. cuma bisa berharap tahun depan UNnya digampangin, nilai terendah boleh sampe 30. UDAH. kalo minta ditiadakan kayanya gamungkin ._.

okey guys. cukup ya hehe. next time im going to blogging again BYE :)

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

MID TERM TEST is really F!

hello bloggers.
im back!
yeah :D
tiap minggu pastinya ada deh kejadian2 seru haha.
tapi entah kenapa gw gamau cerita -_-
sorry ya!
soalnya privacy banget.
yang pasti gw baik2 aja kok :)
kalian semua gausa khawatir (Y) !

ohya! hari ini tanggal 5 maret.
tanggal 8 maret gw uts --
argh, sial banget.
brarti weekend kali ini gw gabisa bebas online :'(
malam ini aja gw online nya sempet brantem sama nyokap haha sorry ya mom.
sebentaaaaaar doang kok!
gw rindu online HEHE.

senin itu gw uts IPS sama PKN.
gile, apalan semua.
ancur otak gw.
tega bener --
msh mending IPS sendiri ajadeh.
selasanya IPA sama BNDO.
not bad ;)
gw hanya berjuang untuk biologi saja.
fisika itu keliatannya susah tapi ternyata gampang kok!
bahasa -_-
gw ga yakin sama dua duanya.
selama ini gw selalu ngeremehin sih tapi ternyata deg degan juga lho kalo ulangan dua mata pelajaran ini.
i cant say anything.
thats really F.
double F.
i hate maths, forever.

kesimpulannya, WISH ME LUCK ajadeh ya.
semoga semuanya berjalan dengan baik.
apalagi sekarang lembar jawabannya pake yang buat UN gitu.
jadi mesti hati2 dan teliti juga.

okay then.
sekali lagi, WISH ME LUCK!!
buat semua yang besok senin uts, GOOD LUCK juga ya!
kita pasti bisa!
we can do it! yey! :DD


Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

youre my ♥

hellow bloggers :)
gw gajadi ganti blog ah.
gw tetep mau pake blog yang ini.
karena di blog ini udah menyimpan banyaaaaaak banget cerita2, kisah2 tentang hidup gw.
kedengerannya emang lebay, tapi maknanya dalem lho! (lebih lebay lagi) -_-
okay, for this post, i ll post about my love life!
gw baru aja baca blog nya si ITU.
cewe yang banyak memberi gw inspirasi.
cewe yang semangat, tegar dan kuat dalam menjalani hidupnya.
sedikit info aja, dia sekolah di penabur dan dia kelas 9.
namanya? i wont tell. sorry but its privacy.
takutnya dia juga baca blog gw -_-
kan malu.
walopun tuh cewe pasti diem2 seneng karena gw adalah secret admirernya heheh.
balik lagi, dia tuh punya cowo tapi ya ada masalah gitu sama cowonya sampe membuat mereka terpisah sangat jauuuuuuuuuuh sekali D:
gw aja nangis loh baca blog dia.
sedih banget :''(
apalagi dia?
gw gabisa bayangin perasaan cewe itu.
tapi ya, seperti yang gw bilang tadi.
dia cewe yang tegar dan kuat!
dia masih bisa tersenyum!
padahal masalah dia banyak loh kalo gw baca blog nya.
masalah teman, pacar, keluarga dan sekolahnya.
wuih, komplit kan?
makanya gw mau kaya dia!
walopun di hidup ini banyak masalah, cobalah untuk tersenyum dan kalahkan semua masalah2 itu!

okay, stop talking about her.
now, i wanna talking about my love, alfeh♥
nama lengkapnya dan nama aslinya?
rahasiaaaaaaaaaa :P
chat me if you want to know!

mulai darimana yah?
dari awal perkenalan ajadeh -_-

gw ketemu dia bulan juli 2009.
hampir setengah taon yang lalu.
saat itu gw masih suka sama cowo berinisial IC, dan pas gw ketemu AW (alfeh), gw kaget.
muka IC sama persis dengan muka AW.
jadilah gw sukanya sama AW, bukan IC lagi.
lucu ya?
awalnya gw cuma suka aja.
tapi ternyata...
kok gw mulai sayang sama dia ya?
jujur gw ga pernah berkomunikasi sama dia.
tatapan mata aja pernah -___-
yang laennya kaya sms, wall, telp atau chat ga pernah!
tapi ya kenapa rasa itu muncul?
gw juga bingung.
berbagai masalah mulai mendatangi gw.
panjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget ceritanya!
pokoknya sampe suatu saat gw lagi makan di kantin ada seorang cewe inisialnya CM, lagi ngobrol sama AW dan mereka berdua natap ke gw.
gw kaget dong ditatap gitu.
abis itu CM dateng ke meja gw.
nanya "lo yang suka sama AW ya?"
gw ngangguk (maklum, msh anak kelas 7. masih polos!)
dia bilang "AW uda tau. barusan gw kasitau dia."
saat itu gw rasa dunia hancur.
hati gw berdetak 1000 kali lipat.
kok bisa sih CM tau dan asal bilang ke AW?
gila! dunia ini sempit!
dan gara2 si CM, akhirnya temen2 si AW tau!
sampe akhirnya tiap gw lewatin kelas dia, temen2nya selalu ngeledekin gw.
gw malu, pengen nangis.
tapi ya gmana?
semua uda terjadi.
gw yang harus tanggung jawab nahan semua rasa malu ini.

1 tahun berlalu...
gw uda kelas 8.
dia kelas 9.
dia uda mau SMA.
uda mau lulus.
gw masih ada setaon lagi.
niat gw mau perbaiki hubungan.
ya bukan langsung nembak, tapikan... bisa dicoba kaya sms dia gitu :(
tapi ternyata gagal total.
semua temen2 gw uda ga setuju.
mereka bilang gw gausa ngarepin dia lagi.
sakit tau ga?
gw pengen nangis.
ga ada harapan lagi gw -_-"
tapi waktu kembali berjalan, masalah mulai menghilang.
temen2 gw ngerespon gw ;)
mereka dukung gw.
sampe sekarang gw gatau sih apa yang membuat mereka jadi berubah tapi ya, syukuri aja!
tapi yang namanya gw ya gw.
gw orangnya gengsian!
gw pemalu.
gw uda dapet numb hape, dia add gw di facebook gw.
account gw yang dua-duanya lagi!
gw seneng banget waktu itu!
tapi ya percuma ajakan kalo gw tetep ga berani sms dia?
malah ada gosip dia SMA nya homeschooling yang artinya dia batal masuk tarki.
gw pengen nangis.
gw belom siap kehilangan dia.
gw cinta mati sama AW.
cinta pertama gw itu AW
dan gw gabisa relain dia pergi gitu aja.
mungkin ini ya yang dirasain cewe ITU.
di tinggal jauh sama orang yang kita sayangi.
kalopun bener dia bakal homeschooling nanti pas SMA, gw janji gw bakal sms dia.
I promise!
pray for me yall!

I LOVE YOU, AW! FOREVEEEEEEEEEEEER! you know, its more than words♥♥

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010

libur (Y)

hari ini gue libur! yey! seneng banget gue hahah. tapi bencinya, tugas dan PR gue numpuk! argh! menyebalkan -_-
tapi tetep aja, gue sama sekali ga peduli sama semuanya. toh tugas nya kelompok. contohnya mat. ketua kelompok gue JK, sampe sekarang aja dia belom pernah nyuruh anggota kelompoknya ngumpul semua. jadi yaa, gue juga ga peduli. kalo dimarahin kan yang disalahin dan paling banyak kena omel si ketua kelompok haha (Y) (Y)! tugas lainnya yaitu fisika. gue berdua sama vinvin. katanya dia yang ngerjain, gue sih iyaiya aja. dia uda bilang begitu -- kalo gajadi ya uda terima nasibb. tugas lain lagi, geografi. suruh bkin pohon keluarga! okey, mumpung sekarang gue gada kerjaan, mending sekarang gue buka FB sodara2 gue dan ambil foto mereka. ntar gue print deh. SELESAI! haha. tinggal dihias aja, gampaaaaang :P

udakali ya, tugas gue. kalo ada yang lain lagi ga peduli deh, gue cape. guru tuh menyebalkan. ga mikirin perasaan muridnya -----__----- dia kira enak apa? CAPE tauuuuu.

ahhh. kayanya belakangan ini yang gue post di blog tentang guru dan sekolah gue yah? maaf deh kalo bosen. gue ga tau mau ngomongin apasehh -_- sorry for yall! next time i promise i ll post about other topic.

Gue pengen pindah sekolah!

gw benci sekolah gw. gw muak. pengen pindah sekolah. gw gasuka sama guru2nya. ga cuma gw, semua murid di sekolah gw juga PASTI ada yang benci juga sama guru2 di sekolah gw. contohnya hari ini. ya ga cuma hari ini sih tuh guru2 bikin kesel tapi kayanya hari ini paling parah deh.

tadi pas pelajaran agama, gurunya tuh dateng (i wont say HIS name) ke kelas dengan raut muka yang seperti biasanya. pas doa tuh kelas gw biasa aja. ga berisik. eh pas selesai doa dia mulai kaya mau marah gitu. daaan, ternyata bener -_- dia marah2 gara2 pas hari sabtu (ada seminar sex education) murid2 nya gabisa diem. malu2in sekolah, katanya. gw diem aja. mau nanya ke vinvin tapi ga berani gw -_- suasana kelas tadi menyeramkan banget. nafas orang aja kedengeran (haha LEBAY). dan dia mulai ngomel2 lagi. sampai akhirnya yang terdengar di kuping gw yaitu : "KALIAN TULIS 200 BARIS KALIMAT YANG DITULIS NITA". gw liat di papan tulis ada tulisan : "Kami anak 8A tidak akan berbuat tidak sopan lagi."
gosh! gw spechless. harus nulis kalimat panjang itu 200 KALI?! i cant say anything again.

gw banyak mendengar ocehan2 kata2 kasar bergumam di sekeliling gw. gw ngerti, mereka semua kesel banget. grr gw juga kesel, friends! tuh orang tega. tangan gw hampir patah --

yaaaa itulah salah satu kejadian yang membuat gw semakin ga tahan berlama2 sekolah disitu lagi.

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Two Moments were Sucks!

as usual I always greet yall before I started to blogging ;D
well, tomorrow is Valentines Day and Chinese New Year, right?
I didn't celebrate it.

gue bukan orang cina jadi gue ga ngerayain Imlek dan ga bakal dapetin angpao.
dulu sih pernah dari temen Papa tapi gatau kenapa sekarang udah jarang :C
gue sangat amat iri sama orang2 diluar sana.
mereka dengan bangga dan bahagia memamerkan amplop merah yang disebut angpao dan berisi duit -_-
gabisa bayangin deh gue ntar pas masuk sekolah semua pada mamerin angpaonya dan cerita2 bakal digunain buat apa tuh duit.
gue cuma duduk diam termenung memendam sejuta perasaan IRI! God --

forget it!
jadi orang Batak juga menyenangkan kok!
tiap minggu jalan2, pesta, having fun.
cuman ya bedanya ga dapet duit buahaha.

Val's Day!
gue gapunya pacar!
sahabat2 gue sibuk nyari angpao -_-
yaudadeh cuma tersenyum kecil melihat kiriman2 sms yang abis gue bales mereka ga bales lagi.
kemaren jadinya gue cuma ke rumah sodara gue di Kemang.
gue harap sambil jalan2 eh ternyata TIDAK.
cuma rapat dan latihan nyanyi dan mempersiapkan lagi semua buat Grandma's Bday next week.

senin, (hari ini) gue libur.
Happy at ALL.
gue bangun jam 5 trus tidur lagi dan bangun lagi jam 9.

tapi besoknya gue sekolah hiks :(
hate schoooooooooooooooool! --'

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

tau kata "KEGEMBIRAAN" ga?

hai semua.
gw lagi ga dalam mood yang bener2 happy.
'ga bener2 happy'.
artinya msh ada beberapa mood atau feel yang bikin gw happy.
gw lagi sebel.
merasa ga dihargain.
kenapa sih ga ada satupun orang di dunia ini yang bisa ngertiin gw?
gw ga minta banyak.
SATU aja.
tapi intinya orang itu harus JUJUR dan IKHLAS.
ga banyak maunya kan gw?
gw ga minta lagi deh yang namanya hape baru, laptop, kamera, atau apapun yang menguras duit.
gw cuma minta SESEORANG.
seseorang yang bisa bikin gw bahagia.
bisa bikin gw ketawa setiap hari dan selalu ada disaat gw butuh ataupun ga butuh.
tapi pastinya gw akan selalu butuh orang itu.
hidup gw belakangan ini tuh kacau.
penuh kesedihan.
bayangin aja deh hidup gw tuh kaya tong sampah.
isinya sampah semua.
ga ada yg bagus.
ga ada yg berguna.
semuanya cuma nerima nasib dibuang.
cuma bisa pasrah.
gw bener2 butuh seseorang.
ga peduli tuh orang jelek atau bego atau apa yang penting hati dia kaya malaikat.
dia harus bisa ngertiin gw.
sekarang gw emang punya sahabat.
tapi gw belom nganggap mereka itu sahabat yang bener2 sahabat.
sorry guys tapi kalian berharga kok di hidup gw.
cuman ya kalian msh suka berantem, kadang sebel sama gw, kadang benci, bahkan gw yakin kadang kalian pasti nyesel punya sahabat kaya gw.
gw yakin.
karena gw bukan orang yang sempurna.
gw bisa bikin orang2 d sekitar gw marah.
gw bisa tiba2 ngambek gajelas.
gw bisa tiba2 mengeluarkan kata2 kasar depan kalian.
gw nyesel.
tapi ya apa boleh buat?
yang bisa gw lakuin sekarang hanya mencoba untuk berusaha tersenyum dan meng-ANDAI-kan semuanya dalam keadaan yang baik2 saja.

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

I don't know why. I HATE YALL!

gue benci!
gue benci mereka!
mereka menjauh.
mereka mulai punya geng sendiri-sendiri.
kenapa sih?
gue tuh ga salah sama lo pada.
kok kalian TEGA sama gue?
gue ga akan nyebut nama atau inisial atau panggilan atau ejekan kalian -_-
gue cuma mau (apa ya istilahnya) ?
karena gue ga puas kalo cuma memaki di dalam hati.
gue tau LO itu orang kaya.
dapet pacar CAKEP.
tapi sifat lo?
ga meyakinkan dan sama sekali jauh dari yang namanya BAIK!
gue emang ga deket2 banget sama lo, tapi please deh.
kasian temen gue.
dia temen sekelas lo.
dia yang bantuin lo JADIAN SAMA PACAR LO SEKARANG!
dan yang terpenting, pacar lo sekarang tuh sahabatNYA temen gue.
gatau terimakasih banget lo!
pengen banget gue nimpuk muka elo -____________-
lo ga mungkin baca blog gue ini karena yaaaaaaa, lo GAPTEK!! :P
hate you very much.
dan semua ANGGOTA geng lu yang norak dan GA BANGET semua.
khususnya V.
yang perannya cuma jd PEMBANTU di geng lu.
plis deh, V!
lo tuh mending cari temen lain deh.
ga tau malu dan ga tau diri banget kalo lo TAHAN nguntilin orang kemana-mana.
gue udh puas.

Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

what a saturday

aa! bosen gue. hari sabtu bukannya ke mal atau kemana gitu, malah MENJAMUR di rumah. argg hate today! I AM BORED. mama papa ada pesta malem2, nah siangnya mereka ke sms buat nyari kado. gue gatau nyari kado buat siapa yang pasti beli kado deh! nah gue kira bakal diajak. eh ternyata ENGGAK! disuruh belajar! wth?! hate today AGAIN!
sekarang jam 5 kurang 15 (sore). gue cuman duduk sendiri di kamar, di depan laptop, buka fb, buka blog. ngebosenin banget ga? hh. emang sih minggu lalu gue uda jalan2 ke teko. seharian pula. tapi masa sih untuk jalan2 ke mal tiap weekend itu mesti ada waktunya? mesti ada jadwalnya? apa sebenernya gue harus belajar dewasa? gue harus ngertiin ortu, kalo mereka ga punya duit banyak buat jalan2 ke mal lagi. hmm maybe. kalopun iya, im trully sorry, i dont. gue (belum) bisa. gue masih anak remaja yang pikirannya kalo weekend tuh HARUS jalan2. benci banget kalo cuma mendekap di rumah. walaupun diperbolehkan ol. itupun juga paling setengah hari doang. setengah hari lagi (termasuk malam minggu) gue harus BELAJAR! i hate STUDY! hmmmmpf!
udalah, gue gatau mesti ngomong apalagi. yang jelas gue benci banget deh kalo cuman menjamur di rumah seharian. nyebelin tau ga? semua orang pada bikin status atau cerita2 kalo dia lagi di mal, otw ke mal yang dituju, makan di mal yang keren, dan lainnya yang sebenernya bikin gue muak. IRI.
bukannya gue benci ortu gue. tapi please dong. 5 hari tuh kita (anak2nya) udah belajar setengah mampos, setengah mati, demi kalian. demi membahagiakan kalian. tiap minggu kita ngebahagiain kalian. tapi kalian? ya gue akui tiap malam (ga tiap sih, kadang2 deh) kalian beliin kita kue atau makanan atau anything else yang bikin kita senang. tapi ya seperti yang gue bilang, gue ga puas. gue puas kalo kalian ajak kita jalan2. gue anak remaja. cewek pula. so, gue emang WAJIB ngertiin kalian, dan kalian pun HARUSNYA mau ngertiin gue.
end! i dont say that i hate you, guys (mom and dad) tapi i do say "I WANT YOU UNDERSTAND TO ME."
this blog especially for you guys. if you dont see it, its okay. aku harap kalian bisa ngertiin aku :)
your BIG daughter, rahel alexandra mazmuria pohan.

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

nothing special!

kembali bersama saya!
haha (gajelas).
sesuai judul post gw kali ini, nothing special!
minggu ini biasa aja.
gada yang heboh kaya misalnya gw ditembak alfian terus jadian terus.... KAWIN!
that's my dreaming if you want to know -________-
dia biasa2 aja sama gw.
ketemu uda jarang soalnya dia ada bimbel, TO, dan lainnya.
sabar ya :*
BTW, omongan gw kaya gw uda jadian aja ya sama dia HAHA.
ya intinya gw sedih lah.
kok gada kemajuan gitu :(
kaya dia deketin gw, ngajak makan berdua di kantin, pulang bareng, nembak gue, ngelamar gw, meminang gw, HUUUUFT!
kabar baiknya sih : dia SMA di tarki lagi. amfon deh kok mau ya haha. tapi gapapa, it means, this year bukanlah tahun terakhir gw ketemu sama dia ;)
mungkin SMA nya gw ga di tarki lagi!
bosen saya!
pengen di sanur, penabur, mm SPH maybe :D
gw pengen banget sekolah di internasional school (cieilah gaya lo hel menjijikan ye :P)
yang ada kemungkinan bisa ya penabur.
sanur tes nya suliit (pengalaman tes SMP)
kalo SPH, mm gatau deh.
yang pasti soalnya pasti berbahasa inggris semua. wowowowooo :O

enough for talk about my future senior high school ;D

sekarang enaknya omongin apa ya?

kayanya engga ada -________-
kalo gitu gw gonna see you goodbye deh.
boring time!
sekarang hujan pula.
takut ntar malem mati lampu!
aargh jangan banget deh PLEASE!
bye :* (+ hug :D)