Senin, 25 Oktober 2010


halo. hari ini gw mau cerita2 lagi. tentang weekend?

hari sabtu gw ga kemanamana. gw juga mikir gitu. abis udah SEBULAN pas weekend tuh gw ga kemanamana. kayak ada sesuatu gitu yang bikin bokap nyokap gw jadi gimana ya, jadi males pergi pas weekend. padahal dulu rajinnya minta ampun. ke Grand Indonesia, Pondok Indah Mall, EX, FX, Plaza Senayan, Plaza Indonesia, dan mal mal jakarta lainnya. bingung gw. ada apa ya dengan mereka? apa mereka sedang menghemat duit? pikiran gw sih gitu.
jadinya hari sabtu kemaren gw cuma pergi pas malem. tadinya gw bertiga sama bo-nyok tapi tiba2 mbak ami -pembantu gw, minta pulang ke kampungnya gara2 sakit (ini bikin gw shock dan bete abis) yaudah adek2 gw ikut. kami pergi ke gereja karena ada kebaktian menjelang olop2 pas hari minggunya. selesai kebaktian pulang deh.

hari minggu gw ke rumah gorga paginya. jam setengah 10 berangkat, padahal jam segitulah acara dimulai (udah biasa). oh iya, kami ke rumah gorga untuk ngerayai acara olop2 (ulang tahun gereja gw -GKPA ke 35 tahun.) nyampe sana udah agak rame gitu tp untunglah masih ada beberapa kursi buat keluarga gw. kebaktian dimulai. pas khotbah gw malah baca buku MMJ. abis gw bete banget, mana panas dan laper pula. selesai kebaktian gw maunya PULANG ATAU JALAN-JALAN ke mal gitu. EHHHH malah stuck di tempat. makan (NASI KOTAK), denger orang nyanyi2, door prize, yagitudeh, BETE ABIS GILA. gw ngambek. diajak ngobrol senyum kecut dan gw cuekin orang2 dengan cara main game di BB sampe batre gw dari full sampe 20%. nice. semua orang mulai pulang karena capek, juga Monik!-sodara gw. tambah bete lah gw. ga ada temen. gw diem. gw hampir nangis. capek bgt gila. mood membaik DIKIT pas bokap bilang "abis ini kita nonton pelem." oke. gw diem. berusaha senyum. jam EMPAT (7 setengah jam ya tolong gw duduk. pantat gw mungkin udah rata) pulang. nyampe mobil nyokap bilang "langsung pulang ke rumah. mau bersih2 soalnya ga ada mba." WTFFFFFFFFFFF gw pengen nangis saat itu juga. KENAPA SIH WOI ANAK NYA BUTUH REFRESHING GA DIKASIH?! KE MAL SEBENTAR MAKAN JALAN2 GW SEMBAH DEH. ini? KE RUMAH. gw nuangin emosi gw ke twitter dan tambah emosi liat followers makin surut aja (LOH?) sebelumnya ke tomang dlu ngobrol2 br pulang. nyampe rumah ya mandi nonton makan. belajar? GA LAH ya gw males. serius lah gw BETE BANGET. kenapa sih semua orang pada ga ngertiin GW?
kesimpulan: ga basa basi. KESEL.


p.s: maaf banyak pake capslock. selain emosi, saya juga memperingati hari capslock sedunia.

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

I wanna go to these places

1. PARIS. Who doesn't love Paris? I think nobody.

2. Australia. I have gone to Aussie before. But.....when I was only 6 MONTHS old. So, I wanna to go to Australia again.

3. New York City, Los Angeles, Hollywood, and MANY MORE in America! Ohmy, I'm in love with America. I wish I can get one ticket to go to America trip. I WISH.

Hm I think enough. Actually there are Canada, Europe, and Japan. But I'm too lazy to post the photos haha.


I love Justin Bieber. I love his voice. I love his songs. I love his face. I love his smile. I love his laugh. I love the way he bangs his hair. I love the way he speaks. I love everything he has.

Hm.. I don't care about his "middlefinger". I love his face. CUTE!

Justin Bieber with Jasmine Villegas.

Justin's face! LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES IT. HAHA! -Justin and his Mom.

And this. Justin with Kim Kardashian. Who's better? Jasmine, Kim, or me? HAHA.

OK. BE SERIOUS. Justin, would you be my Prince? Kisses and Hugs. I love you.

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Everything's going to be a shit

Hello readers! Nice to meet you all again. I missed few days without blogging. Trully sorry, :( I have no time to blogging. My day is completely full with homeworks, tasks, tests, study for high school's enter test argh I'm DYING.

Btw, I'm accepted at Tarakanita Senior High School. Thanks God. But my dream school isn't Tarki. It is BPK Penabur. I have test at Penabur on October 30, 2010. Just wish me bunch of lucks! The tests are Math, Science and English. What am I hoping for? Some people say that English at Penabur is hard. Harder than Tarki. About Math and questions, I hate those subjects so much, BUT, I have to think positive that I'm gonna accepted at Penabur. Work hard, study hard, pray routine, then I'm gonna get GOOD RESULTS. God bless, me. Mom said "What if you try to do test at Santa Ursula?" And I said "Let me think." I was UNaccepted at Santa Ursula when I enter Junior High School. Should I try AGAIN for Senior High School? Let me think TWICE.

Hm..what else. Oh yeah. I can feel that these days I'm going to be a WEAK GIRL. Or THE WEAKEST GIRL ever. When someone talking behind me, I cry. When someone hits me, I cry. When someone mocks me, I cry. When someone ruins my mood, I cry. EVERYTHING that someone did/do to me and it HURTS my heart, I cry.

But I'm thank God cause there are my friends that always make me laugh and smile at school. There are Jeslin, Angel, Vinvin, Julia, Rosari, Sonia, Claudia, Dea, and many more. Especially my classmates at 9A. I LOVEEE THEM.

But behind my laugh and smile there are some bitchES that talking "shit" to me.


Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

a bad report card

hey. kelewat satu hari gw ga blogging haha. kemaren lagi males banget jadi ga buka laptop :/ buka laptop cuma pas malem jam 10an dan itu mata gw udah sipit banget jadi gakuat blogging ehe
hmm hari ini hari jumat. hari pembagian rapor. gw sih ga takut atau deg degan atau panik setengah mampus kaya orang2 cuman ya biasa aja gitu. gw udah tau nilai gw pasti jelek. terutama di mat, ipa, dan bahasa inggris.

jadi pagi2 gw bangun jam 6. trima rapor kan jam 8 yaudah gw santai aja. eh tapi nyokap nyuruh mandi jam setengah 7 yaudah mau ga mau gw mandi -_- udah mandi gw nonton nunggu nyokap siap2 ke sekolah. jam 7.25 berangkat. pas sampe di sekolah nyokap nyuruh gw fotokopi ijazah SD gw, yaudah deh gw fotokopi nyokap sama adek gw (kls 7) masuk ke dalem sekolah ngambil rapot. nah, udh selesai fotokopi gw ke dalem nyusul nyokap. eeeeeh di aula lagi ada kelasnya si tablo. gw kaget padahal juga gw tau itu tablo dari tampak belakang haha. gw jalan cepet2 ke atas tanpa melihat muka dia. padahal MAU :( hhh
nyampe di atas, gw liat nyokap lg di kelas adek gw. yaudah gw nunggu di depan kls gw, 9a tp cuman ada yoan&maureen -_- nungu 15 menitan nyokap dateng juga. langsung masuk ke kelas dan tanpa nunggu lama langsung maju nerima rapot gw. gw disuruh masuk ah malesin bgt ditanya "kok nilai mid speaking test inggris 0? bisu kamu?" HAHA ngakak banget deh gw nyokap ngelucunya bisa banget -______-" ya gw bilang aja dibantuin pak ponco kalo emang baru sebagian murid kelas yang maju huuuuuft. sisanya ya gitu nih ya gw kasitau nilai rata2 uts gw:

agama = 74,5
pkn = 92,5
bahasa indonesia = 76
bahasa inggris = 59,6
matematika = 58
ipa = 68
ips = 84
seni budaya = 80
pendidikan jasmani = 74
tik = 89,3
musik = 85
mandarin = 95

yeaaaah itu dia nilainya. yang ga tuntas ada 2 : matematika dan bahasa inggris. AH gw sebel banget bahasa inggris gw jadi jelek. kampret emang. coba soalnya dimudahin dikit. bisa tuntas gw -.- tapi yasudahlah yang namanya sudah terjadi.

gw harap nilai2 gw semakin membaik deh ya ;D

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

13th is not always bring bad luck

hi dude. meet me again haha. jadi sering nge blog nih :p udah 3 hari berturut-turut nge blog. gapapakan? abis ga ada kerjaan di rumah.

so i wanna share stories about Wednesday 13th October 2010 (today). i thought that today's going to bad day. but no! feel quite happy today :D

hmm at school..
first subject is bahasa indonesia. mrs enny said that we're gonna to PE room. i didnt know what will we do cause this is bahasa indonesia, not PE why shall we go to PE room? .___. jeng jeng jeng. i found a big screen at PE room. so i sat beside jeslin, angel, and sashi of course. mrs enny came and brought laptop. 10 minutes....and i was like "YEEEESSSS!" we're gonna to WATCH FILM TOGETHEEEER! \m/ the film is Karate Kid. but that was an error application when the CD is already inserted to laptop. ah. i feel "yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh". one period passed. laptop still error. but me and my friends patiently wait till the laptop is right......... mrs enny panic and finally she borrowed mrs retno's laptop. and theeeeen, we watched Karate Kid finally ;;)

history!!! nothing to share but i got score 96 on my history test!

chinese language. i made a group (me jeslin angel sashi) then we made conversation text for monday's speaking test haaaa -_-



IT........................fantastic. as usual i had fun! hahaha IT become my fav subject :p we studied about microsoft frontpage.

ok. done. :D

im waiting for friday. REPORT CARD DAY.

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010


today is a hell! i hate today.

first subject at school, P.E. you know i never like this subject. i never get score 75+ on this subject. sucks. but its amazing how i always pass this subject. praise the Lord. today P.E class was about "senam lantai". so we had to scroll in mattress and then tiger strong or whatever it is. hell yeah i prefer basketball, RUN, or something except "senam lantai".

second is...history. hm actually it must be civics but i didnt know the announcement that told us (grade 9) to change civics subject become history. so yeah no problem for me cause i borrow julia's social studies book. thanks to juliaaaa :)

third. BIOLOGYYYY. ergh, i fed up with the teacher hoho whereas the subject is fun. hm. so i studied about "kelangungan hidup organisme." that was about adaptation, natural selection and reproduction. bad news is.......... NEXT WEEK WE HAVE A TEST about "saraf". daaaamn it.

fourth. mathematics. had fun today cause 2 period of this subject is used to play a game. the point is. i didnt study math today :p (ehm actually.....a little ehe -_-)

FIFTH. LAST SUBJECT --> english. i thought that was a speaking test cause i've memorized the text for speaking test abt opinion but the fact is no. speaking test is cancelled. sir joko discussed abt the results of mid term test. he said that almost students got BAD score. and im sure im one of them. and.........yeah right. i got a bad score. wanna know? hm honestly im shy to tell on my blog but i just wanna share -_- my score is....................................40. FORTY. reading, 40 (multiple choice) and writing, 40 too. im schocked. but i tried to be cool. i know my classmates got bad score too. 40, 44, 48, 52, 28, 66 and the best is 68 for mario -_- it means, ALL STUDENTS in my class are fail. nice sir. for writing, fuck. sir joko havent teached us about that topic but he gave questions about that topic. i feel fuck. writing is better cause there are some students got score 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, and me? 40. ALONE. dani is the worst, he got 0. seriously, 40 is the worst score i've ever got in english class. when im teached by miss poppy my scores are 60+. even there was 100, 96, asdfghjklqwertyuiopmnbvcxz I HATE I HATE I HATE I HATEEEEE!

after school.
me, julia and sonia talked together about the bitches haha. it was fun because we judge the bitches and laughed together. we hate bitches.


Senin, 11 Oktober 2010


hello guys im sorry i havent posted anything since june 1, 2010 O_o im lazy to post haha sorry but yeah i miss blogging. i miss sharing my stories although maybe just one or two people read my blog or even no one hehe it's okay

sooo, i have been in ninth grade for 3 months 2 weeks :) being a ninth grade student no day without HOMEWORKS, TEST, PRE-TEST, ASSIGNMENT, oh my i wanna be a eighth grade student again. i cant stand it. i need a rest.
on october 1 - october 8 i did mid term tests. and im done it cause today is october 11. the hardest subjects are MATHS and ENGLISH. my english is getting worst in ninth grade. my scores are not good as my score as in eighth grade. i blame my teacher. im confused what i supposed to learn. he doesnt teach much but he does give students many homeworks. sucks. i want miss poppy!! :( and math..... i am math haters so no problem if my math score is (always) bad.

about high school.
i choose penabur serpong and tarakanita serpong (my school-_-) actually i wanna choose binus but i realise that my english is bad. so i have to do test at tarakanita on october 16 and at penabur october 30. wish me luck guys so i can pass that 2 schools. especially penabur. :D

hmm i just opened my facebook and looking for photos. i wanna cry. i miss my 7 and 8 grade. i miss it. my friendship....totally broke. everyone has a group. i dont want this. i want my friendship is like in grade 8. me, vinvin, julia, sonia, claudia, patrick, ryan, jesse, raka, pingkan, nikita, sari, yunda and many more. how i miss it. can we fix our friendship? i wish we can. theeen, i miss OUTBOUND. we were taking photos together and THAT FRIENDSHIP i wanna be. we're together. we smiled together. we laughed together. WE ..... TOGETHER.

lets fix our friendship guys. before we are graduate from this school. before...we are saying goodbye.