Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010


today is a hell! i hate today.

first subject at school, P.E. you know i never like this subject. i never get score 75+ on this subject. sucks. but its amazing how i always pass this subject. praise the Lord. today P.E class was about "senam lantai". so we had to scroll in mattress and then tiger strong or whatever it is. hell yeah i prefer basketball, RUN, or something except "senam lantai".

second is...history. hm actually it must be civics but i didnt know the announcement that told us (grade 9) to change civics subject become history. so yeah no problem for me cause i borrow julia's social studies book. thanks to juliaaaa :)

third. BIOLOGYYYY. ergh, i fed up with the teacher hoho whereas the subject is fun. hm. so i studied about "kelangungan hidup organisme." that was about adaptation, natural selection and reproduction. bad news is.......... NEXT WEEK WE HAVE A TEST about "saraf". daaaamn it.

fourth. mathematics. had fun today cause 2 period of this subject is used to play a game. the point is. i didnt study math today :p (ehm actually.....a little ehe -_-)

FIFTH. LAST SUBJECT --> english. i thought that was a speaking test cause i've memorized the text for speaking test abt opinion but the fact is no. speaking test is cancelled. sir joko discussed abt the results of mid term test. he said that almost students got BAD score. and im sure im one of them. and.........yeah right. i got a bad score. wanna know? hm honestly im shy to tell on my blog but i just wanna share -_- my score is....................................40. FORTY. reading, 40 (multiple choice) and writing, 40 too. im schocked. but i tried to be cool. i know my classmates got bad score too. 40, 44, 48, 52, 28, 66 and the best is 68 for mario -_- it means, ALL STUDENTS in my class are fail. nice sir. for writing, fuck. sir joko havent teached us about that topic but he gave questions about that topic. i feel fuck. writing is better cause there are some students got score 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, and me? 40. ALONE. dani is the worst, he got 0. seriously, 40 is the worst score i've ever got in english class. when im teached by miss poppy my scores are 60+. even there was 100, 96, asdfghjklqwertyuiopmnbvcxz I HATE I HATE I HATE I HATEEEEE!

after school.
me, julia and sonia talked together about the bitches haha. it was fun because we judge the bitches and laughed together. we hate bitches.


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